Legal Notice

The owner of this website is :
Professionnal address : 15 Résidence les Jardins du Linon 35190 Saint-Domineuc
Telephone : +33 (0)6 79-84-21-45
E-mail :
Business registration number (SIREN) : 43782795900010
Intra-community VAT number : FR02437827959
AMB Translation is responsible for the website’s publication. It was made and is hosted by the following application:
Infomaniak Network SA
Swiss Post Box: 106407
Quai du Mont-Blanc, 33
CH – 1201 Genève – Suisse

AMB Translation is responsible for the content of its website but does not accept any liability or responsibility for any third-party websites that can be accessed through its own website or for any loss or damage that may arise from the use of them.

Contact Form

In the contact form, the information provided is the name, the company, the e-mail address and the message. This information is for the sole purpose of answering the request.

No personal information of the site user is published, exchanged, transferred, assigned or sold on any support to others without the knowledge of the user. Only the assumption of purchase or transmission of the site and its rights would allow the transmission of such information to the prospective purchaser who would in turn be given the same obligation to store and modify data with respect to the user of the site.

Statistics and audience measurements

The site collects information about visitors to our site through a Google Analytics cookie. You can view their privacy policy by following this link:

The Google Analytics service sends to us a certain amount of data concerning visitors to our website. This service has published its privacy policy here:

You have the option to disable this tracking by downloading this module:

How we protect your data


We implement technical and organizational measures to protect your data, especially against loss, manipulation and unauthorized access. We protect data by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption.